Mall - Russia 2015
Objective: To create and interior-scape concept and mall amenity pallete that was unexpected and warm for the long cold months of the region.
Concept: I drew on establishing a connection of bringing the beauty of outdoors "in". The natural landscapes of the Ural Mountains and lowland forests served as the source inspiration.
I branded the interior palette "Ural Luxe" as it aims to meet the international standards of the local community of the upper and middle-class while drawing on the uniquesness of the locale with it's rustic flare. Neutrals and Earthtones became the main background with splashes of rust-red & wheat as accent colors. Which debuted in various floor and amenity finishes. Seats wrapped in birch printed laminates created a rather eye-catching look and was realized that the rustic palette combined with a contemporary styling resulted in a rather pleasing combination. One area that I was able to take the palette expression further was in the Jewel Court which became an exercise on layering of light.
02_MOOD BOARD -1 copy | 05_Armada Interior Upper Level | 03_Armada Interior |
05_MOOD BOARD -2 | 06_MOOD BOARD -2B | 03_MOOD BOARD -1B copy |
07_Armada Interior Jewel Court | 04_SOPHISTICATE BOARD copy | 00ARMADA 11X17 MAT BOARD_FASHIONCOURT |