Concepts Realized
Xchange 2013
The following illustrations and photos are examples of project design work spanning several years from MasterPlanning through Phase 1 of the Shopping Mall execution. Major facade elements such as the Box Forms, Fins and Patterns were tasks under my direction; and developed after rigorous exploration through Modelling and Elevational Studies.
I also inspired and designed Feature Interior Spaces as The Main Center Court pictured above; which the studio team christened the "Splash Court". It was conceived as a digitized splash in stasis. I followed this project from concept through Design Development. Quite notaablt the project contained sevral oversized elemts that lent themselves to an original design. The Main Center Court Contained a 3 level Escalator and WaterWall. No to be out done the Main Drop off possesses the largest green wall in Bintaro Jaya, Indonesia.